
“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars to fondly to be fearful of the night.”

— Astronomer

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Greetings! My name Valhallvaror comes from a combination of the word Valhalla and my last name Halvorson, which comes from the Norwegian Hallvaror. I am a Montana native and Bozeman based tattoo artist. Nature has always been a big part of my life, from growing up playing all day out in the forest with the pups to tromping about in the mud of the pond, discovering salamanders and snakes were my friends and dirt my lifesblood. I use that love of nature in my tattooing, and am lucky enough to be able to tattoo so many of the things I love, from delicate floral pieces to lovely animal skulls and antlers. My heritage is also an important part of my tattooing, and I love to tattoo anything Norse, Celtic, Scottish, or Native, from imagery found in history to creations and bindrunes of my own design.